

  • The 200W Ceramic Mini Room Heater(Model No. M7752), a portable and efficient solution to keep you warm and cozy. This compact heater is perfect for small spaces like bedrooms, offices, or RVs.With its compact size and lightweight design, you can take this heater anywhere you need it. Ka hûn ji malê dixebitin, kampan, an jî bi hêsanî dixwazin germê li jûreyek çîlekê zêde bikin, ev mini heater çareseriya bêkêmasî ye.

  • A ceramic heater is a type of electric space heater that uses ceramic heating elements to generate heat. Van germkeran bi derbasbûna elektrîkê derbas dibin bi riya plakaya seramîk, ku germ dibe û germê li derdora derdorê radibe. Unlike traditional coil heaters, ceramic heaters are more energy efficient and safer to use because they radiate heat through infrared radiation, which is absorbed by objects and people in the room rather than heating the air. In addition, the ceramic heater dissipates heat with the help of a fan, which helps to circulate warm air into the room. Ceramic space heaters are commonly used to provide supplemental heat in small to medium sized rooms such as bedrooms, living rooms and offices. They are portable and have built-in safety features such as thermal shutdown protection and tip-over protection.

  • A small space panel heater is an electric heater used to heat a small room or space. Bi gelemperî li ser dîwêr tê siwar kirin an wekî yekîneyek xweser tê bikar anîn û bi tîrêjê tîrêjê ji rûyê panelê ya rûkal tê bikar anîn. Van german portable û ronahî ne, ji bo karanîna di apartmanên piçûk, ofîs an jûreyên yekane de îdeal dikin. Ew bi zû û bi rengek zûtir germ radigihînin, û hin model bi kontrola termostat ji bo rêziknameya germahiyê tê.